Most of us never think about what's in our tap water. We fill a glass and drink it, but is it better to opt for bottled instead? The supply to taps can become contaminated through the pipes, suggesting there are many things to look out for to keep ourselves in good health. There are also plenty of benefits from opting for private label bottled water from a reliable source.
Although tap water in the UK is safe to drink, contaminants can still remain. Things like salts of metals, chlorine, fluorine, nitrates, and pesticides can all find their way into supplies. The levels of them depend on the location, what kind of industrial activity is going on, and the infrastructure. While the resources may not pose serious health risks, the impurities can cause some problems.
Regulations and laws make sure there are testing schedules to ensure the water is safe to drink, however there are people who are more vulnerable when drinking it. These can include people with AIDs, people going through chemotherapy, pregnant women, the elderly, and transplant patients.
Unlike tap water, private label bottled water is considered luxury but can still be enjoyed by many. Waterspring are well established suppliers, catering for businesses all across the UK. We bottle our water fresh at the source in the Herefordshire Hills, so you can be assured of contaminant free resources.
An investment in your own branded bottled water can make a really great impression on your customers, especially when you can ensure it is clean and fresh. Providing bottles with your own personalised labels will give your company an image of good health to clients and customers. Not only is our branded bottled water high quality; it is also packed with good minerals and stands at a neutral PH.
You can be assured of safe drinking water when investing in us. We are proud to offer a healthier option, and the chance to create a bespoke label that represents your business. If you need further information get in touch with Waterspring today.